25 July 2006

peace is not a game

22 July 2006

Lebanon and Israel Facts that the Media Isn't Telling You

Here are some background the facts about Lebanon, Israel, Gaza Hezbollah and the Palestinians

Noam Chomsky reveals facts like the abduction of the two Gaza civilians June 24, BEFORE the Israeli soldiers were captured. Learn the background that the mainstream media doesn't report.
Help get the word out http://www.representativepress.org/
Tags: Lebanon Israel Gaza Hamas Hezbollah Chomsky

20 July 2006

Hot and yellow in Merzouga

the situation in Merzouga Morocco is still yellow and hot.
Yellow: tents where more than 300 families live. in the upper part of the town
Hot: who does not know how it feels under a yellow plastic tent in summer in the desert. in numbers it means: 50 C or more than 130 F.
People are listening to what is going on in Lebanon with the arrogant Israeli invasion

18 July 2006

17 July 2006

War is stupid

The war is happening again in Lebanon. And the world is watching all the families and all the kids being killed with “illegal weapons” and burnt alive with fire. And their homes bombed. The big G8 is watching. Well the news in the US of A is considering talking about it. maybe one day they will may be not. But this is a conflict between Hezbollah and Israel. As is. And al the massacres will be there again just like in Rwanda and Kosovo and earlier in time in old Germany.
The UN has no hands no power to say anything. Mr. Anan is trying to advise that war is bad for you. Poor UN person. On the mean wile children and civilians are being slaughtered by the war machine of Israel.
I do not understand how ruthless can this be. it is not politics anymore it is the blood and the slaughter that needs to stop. Fuck the politics i do not give a shit to politics, i cre about the children and the old folks being burnt to death wile every one else is doing their week end shopping in Wal-Marts and Targets and seeping their hot cafes in Paris and Rome.
After all this ends they will of course try to work on issues of trauma and conflict resolution and conflict transformation. Who gives a shot to all the rotten psychologies when people loose their families and their land if not their lives.
Israel and Hezbollah and all the others should really shut it up and let people alone. People are tired of all these massacres. We are tired of all this politics of death and stupidity.

16 July 2006

Lebanon: this time Kids

This child and more than ten others were on a truck.
an Israeli pilot on his plain hits them all with a missil. they did not just die... they were burnt alive and they were all kids...
this is not right.

quote in bottom of photo was taken from this blog (here, Read more)

13 July 2006


Il a affirmé avoir été insulté avec "des mots très durs". Interrogé sur la teneur exacte des propos de Materazzi, Zidane a indiqué que "c'étaient des choses très personnelles, cela touche à la maman, à la sœur. Il dit des mots et il les répète plusieurs fois. Vous les écoutez une fois, vous essayez de partir. C'est ce que je fais parce que je m'en vais en fait. Vous écoutez deux fois, et puis la troisième fois..." 
Michel Denisot lui a demandé si la réalité "recoupait" ce qu'avaient rapporté les tabloïds anglais qui, s'appuyant sur des spécialistes de la lecture labiale, ont accusé l'Italien d'avoir dit : "On sait tous que tu es le fils d'une pute terroriste."  Zidane a juste répondu : "Ben oui".
Le joueur, qui a pris sa retraite à l'issue du Mondial 2006, a toutefois indiqué "ne pas regretter" le coup de tête qui a provoqué son expulsion à la 110e minute de la rencontre. "Je ne peux pas regretter mon geste car cela voudrait dire qu'il avait raison de dire tout cela", a-t-il expliqué.
Au sujet de l'enquête disciplinaire diligentée contre lui par la Fifa, Zidane a répondu que, selon lui, "le coupable est celui qui provoque". "Mon geste n'est pas pardonnable mais il faut sanctionner celui qui a provoqué", a-t-il lancé.
Le Monde.fr Avec AFP

10 July 2006

Nina Kunimoto explores food and land issues

Nina Kunimoto explores food access for low income people.
issues of food, land and social justice is a discussion over dinner with SIT graduates and activists.
Read more: here
Nina says:

Over dinner at Susan Peters' house, Phyu-phyu, Susan and I had a discussion about access to organic produce for people who earn a low income, and concluded that it falls back on structural problems of society, or as Phyu-phyu said "it is all inclusive." Meaning, structural problems, politics, class, race, etc are all part of "access to organic produce."

listen to the discussion.

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that desert

that desert is our country.... says it all.
please read moha arehal.

09 July 2006

And it all sinks

And it all sinks into the grounds of forgetting.
I am not used to really post things about myself. I always thought i would be the guy of everyone and do the postings that matter for everyone. Now i am a little depressed and i am not finding inspiration. This country is making me really tires and more and more i feel i should not really be here.
I like this town a lot, Brattleboro, a cool town where people still pass you and say “ ha’r you ddowin?” and it all sounds cool.
But …
I am feeling i like to be somewhere else. I would like to be in Merzouga right now heping with what ever i can to get my people out of the merde that nature has put them in after the horrible floorings of last month. My people live under tents right now in the heat of a Saharan desert sun. they say temperature now reaches 45’C. i am sure it is more than that.
I am sitting here in this country doing nothing. Well i am donating paintings to jura-Merzouga, Suisse organization that helps with the reconstruction. But how do i really feel about this being from there is a totally different thing.
I can not go to Morocco this summer. I can not go back for pocket reasons. Only because i can’t afford the costs. mierrda.
I am lucky i have all the friends you need…

05 July 2006

Morocco hack Izgharel

Major Israeli websites hacked

More than 750 Israeli websites hacked in recent hours. Among them: Soldier’s Treasury Bank, Rambam Hospital, and Globus Group ticket center. Hackers: You’re killing Palestinians, we’re killing servers
Gal Mor, Ehud Kinan

“we are a group of Moroccan hackers that hack into sites as part of the resistance in the war with Israel. We attack Israeli sites every day. This is our duty…hacking is not a crime.” Says spokesperson of Moroccan Team Evil,

Unprecedented number of Israeli websites hacked: Hundreds of websites were damaged by hackers in recent hours, following IDF activity in the Gaza Strip. The hackers are members of the Moroccan “Team Evil” group, responsible for most of the website damage in Israel in the past year. This is the largest, most concentrated attack on Israeli websites in recent years.
Read more

01 July 2006


It seems like the situation on Merzouga is the same. All the refugees in the tents are going to suffer the heat. 45`C the two days ago. Now it is real summer. Most people who work on the summer in sand baths providing visitors with shelter and skills of sand therapy have lost their jobs. This is a horrible year for every one. Farmers, hostel owners, sand workers, tourism workers, every one.
Now the government thinks ( when the government thinks, it is always bad decisions) .. people should not build homes where their original homes were. Well how the hell are they going to accept that. This is a new displacement and it is horrible emotionally and socially to ask people to build homes in other areas just for the sake of selling new elections or to please a new regional walee, governor.
Merzouga is never going to look the same any more. the disaster arrivists, like war lords are already jumping on peoples pains to build up for their own benefits.
People have been displaced thousand times in the past. Give them a break.