Moha* Arehal, from Ait Negh Blog , was the speaker today in a presentation given at the Institute for Amazigh Culture in Rabat (IRCAM). The Topic of the presentation wan Amazigh Cyber Activism. Moha touched upon different issues and questions of Tamazight and the internet , what is a blog, blogging ethics and blogging for social change, moroccan blogs (Blogma) and the place of Amazigh blogs in the world of pixels.
He talked to Academicians, professors and policy makers commonly used to reading their morning news papers in the offices with their café noir … and also people who are interested in alternative media.
This is a little synopsis of the presentation:
In Absence of reliable sources of information, Imazighen have weaved many ways through internet to make themselves heard and connected. The importance of ethics and committed Bloging where posts can be criticized, corrected, commented upon, in an open and civilized way which a lot of other media would not allow.
“ we learn a lot more from people who think we are wrong than those who agree with us” says Moha “ that is listening to the difference in opinion and integrating it in ones work . Not going out looking for lies to get to a false equilibrium. It is allowing people the right to say their opinion when they think you are wrong”
The most important principles for the success of Bloging is transparency and observing ethics, integrity, commitment, and honesty in a world where anonymity and independence, as internet allows, do not keep you away form your duties as a blogger. Human issues are more than personal.
Finally the academic some of the academic institutes are opening up and considering that online cyber activism can work. Bogging for Tamazight is one of many ways of acting but it is going to maybe become the fastest and the most efficient way.
*Moha: stands as one of the most prominent Amazigh activists in Morocco. writer,blogger, journalist, rural engineer, lecturer, political analyst, hydrologist, desert lover, ... to name a few . He writes for many Moroccan News papers. Le Monde Amazigh is one of them.
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